Description of Dental Caries and Assessment of the Dental Health Status of the TNI-AL (Perkasal) of the Bintara Officer at Pangkalan TNI-AL Bandung
Introduction: Military personnel belong to a high-risk group for the development of various
pathological conditions in the oral cavity. Based on research, the experience of dental caries in the
army population of several other countries was relatively high. The purpose of this study was to
describe the spread of dental caries and to assess the dental health status of the TNI-AL (Perkasal)
of the Bintara Of icer at Pangkalan TNI-AL Bandung. Methods: The research method used was
descriptive with primary data collection through the Decayed-Missing-Filled Teeth Index (DMF-T)
examination and assessment of the dental health status of the TNI-AL (Perkasal). The sampling
technique was total sampling with inclusion criteria, namely members of the Pangkalan TNI-AL
Bandung ranked Bintara Of icer, 10 years of service, male or female, willing to be the subject of
research and cooperative. Exclusion criteria were serving outside the city or abroad and not
signing an informed consent form. The sample is 40 members. Results: The results showed that the
DMF-T index value was 25.0% in the very low category, 17.5% in the low category, 27.5% in the
moderate category, 17.5% in the high category, and 12.5% in the very high category. The results of
the assessment of the dental health status of the TNI-AL (Perkasal) were 95.0% in the Stakes I
category, 2.5% in the Stakes II category, 2.5% in the Stakes III category, and there were no
subjects in the Stakes IV category. Conclusion: The spread of caries in members of the Bintara
of icers at Pangkalan TNI-AL Bandung based on the average DMF-T index value was in the
moderate category, which was 3.7 and based on Perkasal the majority was included in the Stakes I
category, which had a maximum number of DMF of 10 teeth.
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