Macroglossia effects on childs dentition with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: a narrative review
Introduction: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is a childhood excessive growth
disorder, sufferring from developmental disorder, tissue and organ
proliferation, including an increased risk of embryonic tumor. The incident
occurred around 1 of 10.340 live birth. There is a few characteristic of oral
cavity on BWS that is macroglosia. Method: Searching of sistematically article
by Pubmed and Google Scholar that published between 2011 and 2021. The
article analyzed aspect of teeth and oral cavity of children with BeckwithWiedemann syndrome. Result: Last analysis has performed on 11 article among
them used study : 6 case study, 3 observational retrospective, 1 cohort, and 1
cross-sectional. In children who have BWS that experience macroglosia needs
multidiciplinary treatment of medical team and dentist because macroglosia
have impact to dentition and face appearance, among them is open bite,
occlusion disorder, diastema, drooling, email hypoplasia, anomaly of tooth
shape, delayed eruption, skeletal 3rd degree, mandibula prognatism.
Conclusion: Clinical appearance of Beckwith-Wiedermann syndrome is
excessive growth that could happen in every organ on human body, one of them
is macroglosia. Macroglosia can affect the function of oral cavity and
maksilofacial morphology.
Keyword: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, macroglosia, dental aspect, and
children oral cavity.
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