Biodentine As An Apical Plug Material In Immature Teeth : A Rapid Review
Introduction: Nonvital immature teeth are newly erupted teeth with open
apices and necrotic pulp that usually treated by apexification, a treatment that puts
certain materials such as Ca (OH)2 and MTA on the open apices. BiodentineTM then
introduced as an alternative material for immature teeth. This study aimed to give
an overview of BiodentineTM effectiveness as apical plug material in nonvital
immature teeth apexification treatment. Method: A rapid systematic review was
conducted on PubMed, ScienceDirect, EBSCOhost, ClinicalKey databases using
predefined search keywords, inclusion and exclusion criteria. Found the total of
138 articles which then filtered gradually according to PRISMA so the final results
were 11 articles. Results: Follow-up of 11 selected articles (7 case reports and 4
case series) showed satisfactory treatment outcomes. Clinical aspect of 8 articles
reported variously, such as absence of swelling, pain, pus and sinus tract; revert of
aesthetics and function; there is no teeth discoloration. Radiographic aspects of 11
articles reported varying results including: periapical lesions healing,
periradicular tissues regeneration, continued root growth (increase in thickness
and length of the apical, also formation of calcified apical barrier. Conclusions:
Based on its outcomes, BiodentineTM is effective to use as an alternative apical plug
material for nonvital immature teeth apexification treatment.
Keywords: Biodentine, apical plug, immature teeth, apexification, open apices
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