Validity Comparison Of Cat (Caries Risk Assessment Tool) And Cambra (Caries Management by Risk Assessment) On Children : A Rapid Review
Introduction: Caries Risk Assessment (CRA) focuses on caries prevention
than restorative approaches. Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA)
and Caries Risk Assessment Tool (CAT) are examples of manual charting CRA
methods that were made to make it easier for clinicians and non-clinician. Purpose:
The purpose of this study was to compare the validity of CAMBRA and CAT as CRA
for children. Method: This study is a rapid review and using articles as research
samples. Systematic searching was carried out using the PRISMA diagram. This
study uses Pubmed and Science Direct database. Inclusions of this study are
randomized controlled study, cohort study, methodological studies reporting
validity of CAT and CAMBRA methods on children published from 2011-2021.
Searching strategy for this study is (children) AND (dental caries) AND (risk
assessment) AND ((CAT) OR (CAMBRA) OR (AAPD)) AND (validity). Results: 103
articles were identified and only 5 articles met the inclusion criteria. Modified CAT
by adding patient’s Streptococcus mutans examination without asking patient’s
social-economic status has highest validity value. The method with the lowest
validity value in this study is the unmodified CAT method. Conclusion: Both
CAMBRA and CAT validity are still limited. The evidence is still low. CAT has high
sensitivity score but low specificity value while CAMBRA method has different
validity value from each reported article.
Keywords: Caries risk assessment, children, Caries Management by Risk
Assessment (CAMBRA), Caries Risk Assessment Tool (CAT), validity
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