Stability of Protraction Facemask/Rapid Maxillary Expansion in Skeletal Class III Maloclusion with Maxillary Deficiency : Rapid Review
Introduction: Class III malocclusion of maxillary deficiency in children can be obtain by the
presence of anterior crossbite and skeletal discrepancy due to maxillary retrution. Growth and
modification treatment before growth peak is effective as a class III malocclusion treatment.
The use of the PFM/RME device has been commonly used for maxillary protraction in cases
of maxillary deficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate stability of PFM/RME treatment’s
outcomes in class III skeletal malocclusion with maxillary deficiency performed during
childhood. Methods :Electronic databases search conducted from 2011-2020 with criteria
RCT, clinical trials and cohort studies with treatment group of class III skeletal malocclusion
with maxillary deficiency patients, using PFM/RME and minimum of 2 years follow-up as the
inclusion criteria. Risk of bias assessment to assess the quality of included articles present.The
use of the protraction facemask / rapid maxillary expansion (PFM/RME) device has been
commonly used for the maxillary protraction in cases of maxillary growth deficiency and is
used during childhood. The stability of the PFM/RME protocol results is a goal to be achieved
in order to maintain the best possible treatment results. Results: There were 439 articles from
preliminary search. There were six articles included in this study, two articles were RCT types
and the other four were CCT types. Clinical evaluation and cephalometric are used to evaluate
skeletal and dentoalveolar changes. 68%-90% of participants maintained overjet untuil the
follow-up period ended. PFM/RME protocol reduced the need of orthognaticc surgery by 3,5
times compared with control group with no treatment Conclusion: PFM/RME treatment can
be effectively shows in the short terms from skeletal dan dentoalveolar changes. There were
relapses during the long-term follow-up period. Further evaluation and research is needed
regarding the long-term stability of PFM/RME treatment outcomes.
Keywords: Growth modification, class III malocclusion, protraction facemask ( PFM ), rapid
maxillary expansion ( RME ), maxillary deficiency
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