The correlation between salivary volume and xerostomia in diabetes mellitus patients.
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease associated with abnormally high levels of the sugar glucose in the blood. A statistic in 2016 by WHO showed that 7% of the Indonesian population is affected with diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is associated with various oral manifestations such as xerostomia and hypo-Salivation. Xerostomia is the subjective feeling of dry mouth and can be assessed clinically using the Challacombe scale, while hypo-salivation is an objective decrease in salivary production and can be measured by using the spitting method. This study is aimed to identify the presence of xerostomia in diabetic patients in Babatan health center and see if there is a correlation between the Challacombe scale score and the salivary volume of the patients. Method: This research uses a correlational analytical method. Sampling is done using a random sampling technique, in accordance with predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was obtained primarily from 33 Subjects. Results: The research showed an rs value of -0.39. Statistically the research shows a 15.5% correlation between the Challacombe scale score and the normal salivary volume, proving it is a significant correlation. Discussion: 30% of subjects showed normal salivary volume while 54.5% were below normal and 15% of the subjects had hypo-salivation. By applying the Challacombe scale scoring system, 46% had severe xerostomia, while 48% had moderate xerostomia and the remaining 6% had mild xerostomia. Hypo-salivation can be identified using the spiting method. It is also found that xerostomia in patients with diabetes mellitus can be clinically discovered by using the Challacombe scale. Conclusion: It is proven statistically that there is a negative correlation between the Challacombe scale score and the volume of saliva of a patient, meaning that an increase in the Challacombe scale score would lead to a decrease in the normal volume of saliva and vice versa.
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