The Correlation Between Human Chronological Age And Pulp Chambers Volume Of Maxillary Second And Third Molar Of Deutero Malay Subrace
Introduction:The secondary dentin deposition causes the pulp volume to decrease with age. In relation to pulp volume, using CBCT Imaging Technique shows proper accuracy that can determine the internal anatomy of the teeth (pulp). Hence, this study is to stregethen the correlation between chronological age and pulp chamber volume of the duetermalay subrace. Methods: The analysist was done using CBCT images acquired from RSGM and calculated using ITKSnap v3.6.0 software program from CBCT DICOM (Vatech Korea, 2006). A total of 180 Maxilary Second and Third molar were taken as data aged between 9 to 53 and 17 to 61 years old. The inclusion criteria were: no dental restoration, no pulpal calcification, no root canal treatment, and no advanced to severe caries. Purposive non random sampling was used to assess the correlation between chronological age and pulp chamber�s volume. Result: Shows that the correlation between pulp chamber volume of maxillary second and third molar and the patients age can be obtained from the Pearson correlation equation. The correlation was statistically significant (p < 0.05). ). Discussion:After the analysis, the result shown was that second molar are more accurate when compared to Third molar due to irregular morphology but both are still strong in correlation. .Conclusion:The correlation on this research is significant, so we can conclude that when patient�s age increase, the pulp volume decreases.
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