The Prevalence of Suspects of Periapical Infection on Posterior Maxillary Teeth With Maxillary Sinus Mucositis in RSGM UNPAD Based on Panoramic Radiograph
Periapical infections are commonly seen in the clinical practice and the infections may spread to maxillary sinus and cause maxillary sinus mucositis. However, periapical infections are always overlooked as a primary etiology of maxillary sinus pathology.
The purpose of this research was to determine the prevalence of suspects of periapical infections on posterior maxillary teeth with maxillary sinus mucositis in RSGM, Unpad based on panoramic radiograph. This research was designed by descriptive method with cross-sectional. There were 84 panoramic radiographs taken for observations based on total sampling technique. The thickness of the maxillary sinus mucous membrane was measured using Software ImageJ and periapical infected teeth with the involvement of maxillary sinus mucositis were observed.
The results of this research showed that from 110 teeth were suspected of having periapical infections on posterior maxillary teeth with radiolucent or radiopaque image, 58 of them were suspected of having maxillary sinus mucositis. Thus, the total prevalence of suspects of periapical infection on posterior maxillary teeth with maxillary sinus mucositis is 52.73% in the period of January 2017 until December 2017 at RSGM, Unpad, Bandung. It shows that periapical infections can spread to maxillary sinus and eventually cause maxillary sinus mucositis.
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