Merrill's atlas of Radiographic positions and radiologic procedures
This Golden Anniversary Edition of Merrill's Atlas has been completely revised with full-color throughout. The 3-volume set covers anatomy and positioning for all bone groups and body systems in the first two volumes, then presents special imaging topics and modalities in the third volume.
* Includes special icon to identify essential projections to help students and instructors focus on the most important material that students must master. * Features diagnostic quality radiograph reproduction which assures that the reader can visualize what the radiograph is intended to demonstrate. * Provides summary of projections tables which list all the projections described in the chapter to give a general overview of the chapter and also to serve as a study guide for students. * Includes bulleted, step-by-step instructions to help the reader quickly understand how to perform a procedure. * Presents over 400 projections making it the most comprehensive text and reference on the market - invaluable as a student text as well as a practical reference after graduation.
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