The Identification Criteria�s of Palatine Rugae in Forensic Odontology- Jashreene Kaur a/p Satvinder Singh
Identification of individuals is a challenging task in forensic odontology. In circumstances where identification of an individual by fingerprint or dental record comparison is difficult, the palatal rugae may be considered as an alternative source. Rugae are anatomical folds or wrinkles, the irregular fibrous connective tissue located on the anterior third of the palate, behind the incisive papilla. They are also called �plica palatine.� These rugae patterns are studied for various purposes, mainly in the fields of anthropology, genetics, orthodontics, prosthodontics, and forensic science.
The process of writing this minor thesis employs the usage of a literature review writing method. The writing based on literature review uses sources from various literarute such as textbooks, websites, journals, doctrine of various other scientist and notes.
The reason to establish a proper criteria for the identification of palatine rugae is so that the identification criteria of it when used in legal aspects can be standardize.
Palatal rugae becomes prominent in prenatal stage and maintain the shape throughout life, is unique to each individual, is stable, is practical for routine analysis and is able to be classified. All these criteria�s contributes to the palatal rugae in being an important tool for the identification in the field of forensic odontology.
Keyword : Forensic odontology, Palatine Rugae, Identification
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