Descriptive Study On The Patterns Of Palatine Rugae In Unilateral Cleft Lip And Palate Patients In YPPCBL Bandung
Palatine Rugae are anatomical folds located on the anterior third of the palate, behind the incisive papillae. Growth of palatal rugae affected by genetic factor thus proved that the rugae patterns are highly individualistic including people who have Cleft Lip and Palate. The aim of this research is to discover the patterns of palatine rugae in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients in YPPCBL Bandung.
The study method used was simple descriptive and sample taking by using incidental sampling. The study was conducted at Yayasan Pembina Penderita Celah Bibir Dan Langit-Langit and obtained 4 patients of cleft lip,5 patients of cleft lip and palate and 6 patients of cleft palate. Photo of the patterns of palatine rugae is taken using a camera and an orthodontic mirror. Thus it was used to interpret the patterns of palatine rugae using Martin Dos Santos Classification. The data is presented with simple frequency and percentage distribution table.
The results showed that the highest number of palatine rugae pattern are dominated by curve in Cleft Lip, Cleft Lip and Palate and Cleft Palate Patients.
The conclusion indicates that the dominant palatine rugae patterns in Cleft Lip, Cleft Lip and Palate and Cleft Palate Patients were curve followed by line and sinous.
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