Biochemistry, 6th Edition
Introduce your students to the latest developments in biotechnology, genomics, and proteins as Campbell/Farrell’s best-selling biochemistry text connects the most current principles of biochemistry to your students’ lives. Known for its logical organization and appropriate depth of coverage, BIOCHEMISTRY, Sixth Edition, helps you and your students synthesize and organize the flood of information that has inundated the field of biochemistry since the decoding of the human genome. The new edition reflects the tremendous developments in stem cell research, cloning, and immunology with substantially revised coverage of major topics, such as proteins. An innovative new magazine-style insert, Hot Topics in Biochemistry, addresses the Avian Flu, stem cell research, blood doping, HPV, the Gardasil vaccine, and more. This edition balances scientific detail with readability for students studying biochemistry for the first time. New in-text questions, strategically positioned throughout the book, help students master key concepts, while problem sets, now categorized by problem types, assist students in preparing for exams. Features such as Biochemical Connections highlight how biochemistry applies to other fields. The book’s state-of-the art visual program has been revised to ensure consistency and clarity for your students. As part of this book’s comprehensive support, CengageNOW for BIOCHEMISTRY, Sixth Edition, web-based tutorial uses new diagnostic tools linked to specific tutorials to help your students better assess and refine their understanding of biochemistry topics. Count on BIOCHEMISTRY, Sixth Edition, to lead the way in currency, clarity, and innovation for your one-semester biochemistry course.
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