Removable Partial Prosthodontics
This work provides a case-oriented approach to treatment planning, bridging the gap between conventional textbooks of prosthodontics and basic manuals of denture design. It is divided into two parts. The first reviews basic principles of treatment planning and partial denture designs, and is supported by numerous line diagrams, checklists, questions and summaries which highlight key points. Part Two comprises 14 complete case histories, putting into practice the theory outlined in Part One. For each, the history leads to a series of possible treatment options, based on the patient's needs and the dentist's appraisal of their practicality. Each case is illustrated with casts of the patient's existing dentition, radiographs and results of other investigations such as sialography and CT scans. From these a treatment plan is devised and a denture constructed. In some of the cases, "design errors' are also included for discussion.
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