Dental Caries - The disease and its clinical management
′This text is generic enough to be used in most dental schools as a comprehensive textbook in cariology.
This text is the first text to really focus on the new paradigm shift towards more conservative management of caries.
The role of the diet in the etiology of caries and the management of caries through dietary controls were limited to a short discussion in chapter 14.
I would recommend this text for students, dentists and all professions allied to dentistry dealing with the management of dental decay.′
Dr Hardy Limeback, Head, Preventive Dentistry,
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto
′This book, overall, is an excellent reference text for students of cariology, whether they be predoctorals, graduate students, faculty, or practitioners.
Again, I congratulate the editors and the authors who contributed to this book. It is one that all the students of cariology will refer to for the forseeable future.′
Reviewer: Brian H. Clarkson, Chair, Dept of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology
′This is a major new work, which should be of interest to all dentists...This is a clearly written and extremely well illustrated book with many colour plates in addition to monochrome illustrations and tables. The book will no doubt become essential reading for many.′
BDA News
‘Dental caries is ubiquitous in all populations throughout the world and in the main cause of dental pain and tooth loss. Hence, this text represents a major contribution to the literature on a subject that is of central concern to all dentists.’
′This is a clearly written, comprehensive textbook...Highly illustrated throughout (there are more than 400 illustrations), graphs, tables, histograms, radiographs and color photographs are all used to facilitate the reader′s grasp of key information′
′Though Dental Caries is aimed at dental students and practitioners, it will be of value to the whole dental team, the scientific evidence and experience presented facilitating the practice of evidence–based dental care in the fields of both cariology and restorative dentistry.′
Journal of Orthodontics
′It was a pleasure for the author to review this book. ′Dental Caries – The Disease and its Clinical Management′ is the first edition of this authoritative text...a very welcome addition to the literature....The text is richly illustrated with clear diagrams, graphs, radiographs and colour clinical photographs of clinical restorative procedures.′
This text would be of interest to dental practitioners, undergraduate dental students, dental hygienists and dental therapists and is a ′must′ for any dental library. It is well–written, richly illustrated and very well referenced. The author cannot do justice to this excellent book in a short review such as this, and he is of the opinion that, for its price, this tome represents excellent value′
Dental Practice
Dr Hardy Limeback, Head, Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto
I would recommend this text for students, dentists and all professions allied to dentistry dealing with management of dental decay.
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