From various explanations regarding the applicable law regarding land, there are still land issues that occur such asland disputes between the people of Pari Island, Seribu Islands againstPT Bumi Pari Asri which have occurred since 1987. In 2014, the dispute again made people nervous. It started when PT Bumi Pari Asri arrived and claimed that 90% of the land in Pari Island was controlled by PT Bumi Pari Asri through the process of buying and selling land, but Pari Island people refused the privatization. People claim to have girik. This study aims to determine and analyze the legal position of girik holders in Pari Island, Thousand Islands in terms of UUPA, and to provide an understanding of the settlement of problems between the inhabitants of Pari Island, Seribu Islands and PT Bumi Pari Asri.Writing this thesis the author uses the normative juridical approachmethodand descriptive analytical research specifications, using secondary data in the form of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. Data collection techniques used arelibrary research, as well as interviews with National Land Agency Officials.Based on the research, it can be concluded that the legal statusof the girik holder, if Pari Island community hasa girik letter that applicablebefore the UUPA was valid (1960) means that the community has the right to the land. The girik holder community cannot providetheproof of ownership in the form of girikletter, but controls and uses the land withgood faith for 20 (twenty) years based on Article 24 paragraph (2) Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration the law will protect it and legitimize it as the owner of the rights to the land it controls. Problem solving between the people of Pari Island and PT Bumi Pari Asri can be solved in two ways, namely by means of litigation and non-litigation
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