# /var/www/slims9/lib/SearchEngine/SearchBiblioEngine.php:685^ "Engine ⚙️ : Idoalit\SlimsEnterprise\LibraryManagement\UlimsSearchEngine"
^ "SQL ⚒️"
^ array:2 [ "count" => "select count(sb.biblio_id) from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode)))" "query" => "select sb.biblio_id, sb.title, sb.node, sb.node_id, sb.author, sb.topic, sb.image, sb.isbn_issn, sb.publisher, sb.publish_place, sb.publish_year, sb.labels, sb.input_date, sb.publish_year, sb.edition, sb.collation, sb.series_title, sb.call_number from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode))) order by sb.last_update desc limit 50 offset 10" ]
^ "Bind Value ⚒️"
^ array:1 [ ":author" => "'+WEINER. MYRON'" ]
TANGGAL ENTRY : 16/02/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 16/02/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 03/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 29/04/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 17/03/1981
TANGGAL ENTRY : 07/02/1984
Koleksi Referensi TANGGAL ENTRY : 21/08/1980
TANGGAL ENTRY : 07/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 15/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 16/02/2011
International Enviromental Law & Policy Series TANGGAL ENTRY : 17/02/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 03/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 05/04/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/04/2003
TANGGAL ENTRY : 21/08/1980
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 24/02/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 08/02/2012
TANGGAL ENTRY : 20/10/2011
West Nutshell Series TANGGAL ENTRY : 06/04/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 20/04/1981
TANGGAL ENTRY : 16/02/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 11/12/1970
The goal of clinical investigation in oral and maxillofacial regeneration is to determine the safety and efficacy of new biologics for the benefit of patients, which requires that researchers select appropriate animal models and corresponding experimental designs to enable the next steps toward human investigation. This book guides researchers in creating protocols that lead to meaningful outco…
Gadjah mada university press adalah penerbit universitas gadjah mada yang bertugas menunjang pelaksanaan tri dharma perguruan tinggi dengan kegiatan menerbitkan buku pelajaran (textbook), bacaan (reading) dan referensi untuk kegiatan pengajaran; laporan penelitian, skripsi/thesis dan disertasi dalam kegiatan penyebarluasan informasi ilmiah dan pelestarian karya-karya ilmiah; buku-buku ilmiah po…
TANGGAL ENTRY : 15/08/2005
TANGGAL ENTRY : 15/08/2005