# /var/www/slims9/lib/SearchEngine/SearchBiblioEngine.php:685^ "Engine ⚙️ : Idoalit\SlimsEnterprise\LibraryManagement\UlimsSearchEngine"
^ "SQL ⚒️"
^ array:2 [ "count" => "select count(sb.biblio_id) from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode)))" "query" => "select sb.biblio_id, sb.title, sb.node, sb.node_id, sb.author, sb.topic, sb.image, sb.isbn_issn, sb.publisher, sb.publish_place, sb.publish_year, sb.labels, sb.input_date, sb.publish_year, sb.edition, sb.collation, sb.series_title, sb.call_number from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode))) order by sb.last_update desc limit 50 offset 40" ]
^ "Bind Value ⚒️"
^ array:1 [ ":author" => "'+Maurice Duvergeer'" ]
TANGGAL ENTRY : 24/02/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 01/12/2000
NPM : A10.04.00 Kode Skripsi : 063-09 Jenis Skripsi : Skripsi
TANGGAL ENTRY : 02/04/1960
TANGGAL ENTRY : 18/04/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 01/10/2013
TANGGAL ENTRY : 23/10/2012
TANGGAL ENTRY : 31/05/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 26/09/2016
TANGGAL ENTRY : 27/09/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 24/01/2006
TANGGAL ENTRY : 09/06/2014
TANGGAL ENTRY : 17/06/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 01/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 01/12/2000
Laboratory Medicine is the most comprehensive, users-friendly, and well-illustrated guide available for learning how to order the correct laboratory test and understand the clinical significance of the results. The book features an easy-to-follow, consistent presentation for each disease discussed. Chapters begin with a brief description of the disorder followed by a discussioan that includes t…
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/10/2016
Kebijakan terbesar dari buku duverger adalah bahwa dia telah berhasil mengemukakan konsep dan teori tentang partai politik. Dia telah menyusun bukunya sedemikian rupa sehingga memperjelas konflik - konflik teoritis antara Marxisme dan demokrat liberal. dengan berbuat demikian dia menyoroti sesuatu yang selama seabad ini menjadi isu intelektual dan praktisi yang paling penting di bidang politik.…