# /var/www/slims9/lib/SearchEngine/SearchBiblioEngine.php:685^ "Engine ⚙️ : Idoalit\SlimsEnterprise\LibraryManagement\UlimsSearchEngine"
^ "SQL ⚒️"
^ array:2 [ "count" => "select count(sb.biblio_id) from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode)))" "query" => "select sb.biblio_id, sb.title, sb.node, sb.node_id, sb.author, sb.topic, sb.image, sb.isbn_issn, sb.publisher, sb.publish_place, sb.publish_year, sb.labels, sb.input_date, sb.publish_year, sb.edition, sb.collation, sb.series_title, sb.call_number from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode))) order by sb.last_update desc limit 50 offset 70" ]
^ "Bind Value ⚒️"
^ array:1 [ ":author" => "'+Husein, Harun M.'" ]
TANGGAL ENTRY : 25/03/2015
TANGGAL ENTRY : 23/02/2015
TANGGAL ENTRY : 20/10/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 29/08/1981
027587 TANGGAL ENTRY : 21/09/2004
TANGGAL ENTRY : 21/05/2015
TANGGAL ENTRY : 20/07/1958
Buku ini membahas Teori Kromatografi Cairan Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT)(Prinsip Umum dan Klasifikasi Metode Kromatografi, Kromatografi Cair Padat, Kromatografi Cair-cair dan Fasa Terikat, Ekslusi, Pertukaran Ion dan Kromatografi Afinitas, KCKT versus Krmomatografi Cair Konvensional, Peralatan KCKT, Perhitungan dalam Kromatografi, Kromatografi Preparatif, Teori Kolom, Ultra Performance Liquid Chromato…
Introduction Periodontal disease is one of the most common diseases in Indonesia. Based on Riskesdas (2018), 7 out of 10 might have periodontitis in Indonesia. Periodontitis happen while there is inflammatory process in periodontal tissue which initiate by anaerobic bacteria and if the process keep on going, toothloss may occurs . However, the damage caused by periodontitis is likely believe…