0 of 0# /var/www/slims9/lib/SearchEngine/SearchBiblioEngine.php:685
^ "Engine ⚙️ : Idoalit\SlimsEnterprise\LibraryManagement\UlimsSearchEngine"
0 of 0^ "SQL ⚒️"
0 of 0^ array:2 [▼ "count" => "select count(sb.biblio_id) from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode)))" "query" => "select sb.biblio_id, sb.title, sb.node, sb.node_id, sb.author, sb.topic, sb.image, sb.isbn_issn, sb.publisher, sb.publish_place, sb.publish_year, sb.labels, sb.input_date, sb.publish_year, sb.edition, sb.collation, sb.series_title, sb.call_number from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode))) order by sb.last_update desc limit 50 offset 10 ◀" ]
0 of 0^ "Bind Value ⚒️"
0 of 0^ array:1 [▼ ":author" => "'+Commited to improving health worcowile'" ]
Telah dilakukan pemeriksaan protein S-100 dalam darah untuk membedakan stroke iskemik dan stroke hemoragik, dengan menggunakan Reader 530 (Organon Teknika) dan metode ELISA sandwich. Serum yang digunakan adalah serum orang sehat, pasien stroke iskemik, dan pasien stroke hemoragik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kenaikan nilai rata-rata protein S-100 pada pasien stroke iskemik dan stroke he…
DAFTAR ISI BAB 1 Menjadi wirausaha hal. 9 BAB 2 Berpikir perubahan hal. 23 BAB 3 Berpikir kreatif hal. 35 BAB 4 Berorientasi pada tindakan hal. 53 BAB 5 Pengambilan risiko hal. 75 BAB 6 Kepemimpinan hal. 83 BAB 7 Etika bisnis hal. 101 BAB 8 Faktor "X" hal, 111 BAB 9 Mencari gagasan usaha hal. 121 BAB 10 Pemasaran hal. 141 BAB 11 Manajemen keuangan dan pembiayaan usaha hal. 161 BAB 12 Memulai s…
DAFTAR ISI BAB I Pendahuluan 1 BAB 2 Studi praformulasi sediaan tablet 13 BAB 3 Disolusi 53 BAB 4 Desain dan formulasi sediaan tablet 123 BAB 5 Dasar umum pembuatan tablet 137 BAB 6 Pembuatan tablet metode granulasi basah 193 BAB 7 Pembuatan tablet metode granulasi kering 223 BAB 8 Tablet kempa langsung 235 BAB 9 Tablet efervesen 267 BAB 10 Tablet salut 301 BAB 11 Tablet khusus 365 BAB 12 Tabl…
DAFTAR ISI chapter 1 Introduction 1 K. Husnu Can Baser and Gerhard Buchbauer Chapter 2 History and sources of essential oil research 3 Karl=Heinz Kubeczk Chapter 3 Sources of essential oils 39 Chlodwig Farnz and Johannes Novak Chapter 4 Production of essential oils 83 Erich Schmidt Chapter 5 Chemistry of essential oils 83 Charles Sell Chap…
DAFTAR ISI chapter 1 Introduction 1 K. Husnu Can Baser and Gerhard Buchbauer Chapter 2 History and sources of essential oil research 3 Karl=Heinz Kubeczk Chapter 3 Sources of essential oils 39 Chlodwig Farnz and Johannes Novak Chapter 4 Production of essential oils 83 Erich Schmidt Chapter 5 Chemistry of essential oils 83 Charles Sell Chap…
DAFTAR ISI 1 Tooling for pharmaceutical processing 1 2 Tablet press instrumentation in the research and development environment 49 3 Pharmaceutical manufacturing: changes in paradigms 85 4 A Forward-looking approach to process scale-up for solid dose manufacturing 119 5 Dissolution and drug release testing 153 6 Setting dissolution specifications 191 7 Mechanical strength of tablets 207 8 cGMP…
DAFTAR ISI Pendahuluan 1 Pemantapan mutu dalam bidang bakteriologi 2 Pendahuluan 2 Definisi 2 Pengendalian mutu internal 6 Penilaian mutu eksternal 16 BAGIAN I Pemeriksaan bakteriologis 19 Darah 20 Pendahuluan 20 Kapan dan di mana bakteremia dapat etrjadi 20 Pengambilan darah 20 Media biakan darah 22 Pengerjaam biakan darah 23 Cairan serebrospinal 25 Pendahuluan 25 Pengambilan dan transpor…
DAFTAR ISI Pendahuluan 1 Pemantapan mutu dalam bidang bakteriologi 2 Pendahuluan 2 Definisi 2 Pengendalian mutu internal 6 Penilaian mutu eksternal 16 BAGIAN I Pemeriksaan bakteriologis 19 Darah 20 Pendahuluan 20 Kapan dan di mana bakteremia dapat etrjadi 20 Pengambilan darah 20 Media biakan darah 22 Pengerjaam biakan darah 23 Cairan serebrospinal 25 Pendahuluan 25 Pengambilan dan transpor…
DAFTAR ISI Section I: influence on skin 1 skin physiology and gender 1 2 a quantitative approach to anatomy and physiology of aging skin: barrier, dermal structure, and perfusion 14 3 climatic influence on cosmetic skin parameters 28 4 photodamage 41 Section II: cutaneous absorption and cosmetology 5 skin barrier cream efficacy: evidence based.. 47 6 using the behind-the-knee (BTK) test to e…