# /var/www/slims9/lib/SearchEngine/SearchBiblioEngine.php:685^ "Engine ⚙️ : Idoalit\SlimsEnterprise\LibraryManagement\UlimsSearchEngine"
^ "SQL ⚒️"
^ array:2 [ "count" => "select count(sb.biblio_id) from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode)))" "query" => "select sb.biblio_id, sb.title, sb.node, sb.node_id, sb.author, sb.topic, sb.image, sb.isbn_issn, sb.publisher, sb.publish_place, sb.publish_year, sb.labels, sb.input_date, sb.publish_year, sb.edition, sb.collation, sb.series_title, sb.call_number from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode))) order by sb.last_update desc limit 50 offset 20" ]
^ "Bind Value ⚒️"
^ array:1 [ ":author" => "'+COHEN,Brad'" ]
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/05/2001
TANGGAL ENTRY : 08/02/2013
TANGGAL ENTRY : 30/07/1980
TANGGAL ENTRY : 21/01/2012
TANGGAL ENTRY : 10/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 24/06/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 02/04/2013
TANGGAL ENTRY : 27/12/1961
TANGGAL ENTRY : 10/08/1960
TANGGAL ENTRY : 28/06/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 23/02/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 20/06/1977
TANGGAL ENTRY : 02/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 08/02/2013
TANGGAL ENTRY : 08/02/2012
TANGGAL ENTRY : 04/04/2012
TANGGAL ENTRY : 13/05/2011
Koleksi Referensi TANGGAL ENTRY : 26/10/2007
TANGGAL ENTRY : 03/12/1957
TANGGAL ENTRY : 01/12/2000
TANGGAL ENTRY : 17/03/1960
TANGGAL ENTRY : 08/02/2013
TANGGAL ENTRY : 27/09/1991
TANGGAL ENTRY : 10/03/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 24/06/2011
The definitive endodontics reference, Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp is known for its comprehensive coverage of leading-edge information, materials, and techniques. It examines all aspects of endodontic care, from preparing the clinician and patient for endodontic treatment to the role the endodontist can play in the treatment of traumatic injuries and to the procedures used in the treatment of …
Buku ini merupakan penyorotan atas sejumlah prinsip dasar dalam disiplin sosiologi. Ia dapat digunakan sebagai sarana pengajaran sendiri, bersama dengan buku-buku literatur standar, ataupun sebagai pelengkap bagi "Classroom Interaction".