# /var/www/slims9/lib/SearchEngine/SearchBiblioEngine.php:685^ "Engine ⚙️ : Idoalit\SlimsEnterprise\LibraryManagement\UlimsSearchEngine"
^ "SQL ⚒️"
^ array:2 [ "count" => "select count(sb.biblio_id) from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode)))" "query" => "select sb.biblio_id, sb.title, sb.node, sb.node_id, sb.author, sb.topic, sb.image, sb.isbn_issn, sb.publisher, sb.publish_place, sb.publish_year, sb.labels, sb.input_date, sb.publish_year, sb.edition, sb.collation, sb.series_title, sb.call_number from search_biblio as sb where sb.opac_hide=0 and ((match (sb.author) against (:author in boolean mode))) order by sb.last_update desc limit 50 offset 10" ]
^ "Bind Value ⚒️"
^ array:1 [ ":author" => "'+CAMERON, Penny'" ]
TANGGAL ENTRY : 11/02/2011
TANGGAL ENTRY : 09/04/2011
Perpust Mochtar Kusu TANGGAL ENTRY : 16/12/2015
TANGGAL ENTRY : 11/02/2011
Suitable for students and practitioners alike, the Handbook of Paediatric Dentistry is a concise, practical and highly illustrated guide to the day-to-day management of child dental patients. Established as the foremost available comprehensive handbook on pediatric dentistry Prepared in an 'easy-to-digest' fashion - which allows for quick reference and easy reading Contains over 550 full c…
Suitable for students and practitioners alike, this book is a concise, practical and highly illustrated guide to the day-to-day management of child dental patients. Written in an accessible, easy-to-read manner to aid retention of facts. Provides a source of essential and practical information, not always easy to find elsewhere. Multi-contributor authorship ensures complete accuracy and currenc…
Factors that inluence the disseminating of knowledge in Technology transfer among malaysian manufacturing employees, Households perceptions on factors affeeting resilience towars natural disasters in Indonesia, The effect of post-purchased perceived - value towards the relationship quality of hajj and umrah travel agencies in Indonesia, The influence of sponsor-Event congruence in sponsorship o…
Buku ini membahas mengenai penduduk dan keadaan ekonomi yang ada di Jawa
this book provides an introduction to the various facets of building and operating an SAP Infrastructure exploiting Cloud Technologies.